picture frame Young people with a youth worker turning on the portable hot plate and pot to cook

KFC Youth Foundation Youth Worker Lead

We are opening our first Youth Hub in Middlesbrough this summer. It is our intention to deliver open access youth services with a particular focus around food education, employment and food aid, by creating a training kitchen and cafe.

So we are looking for someone who will be feet on the ground in Middlesbrough during the development of the Youth Hub. Once the hub is open you will be responsible for effective planning and delivery of a range of different high quality work with young people, leading a team of delivery team members.

Since its inception the KFC Youth Foundation has made donations and grants of more than £8m. In 2021 we became a community grant maker, offering grants of up to £2,500 to grass roots organisations working with young people in their communities. Organisations who share the passion we have for developing young people. Since setting up the programme we have made grants to a value of £351,570, supporting 10,271 young people.

But we aren’t ones to rest on our laurels and over the last 18 months we have been developing a strategy to transform ourselves into a service delivery organisation. It is our ambition to create KFC Youth Foundation Hubs; amazing spaces with awesome youth workers that allow young people who most need it, to feel safe and secure.

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picture frame Loren lipsum